
The application was created as a part of bachelor thesis on the Department of Biology and Environmental Studies, Faculty of Pedagogy, Charles University in Prague. It is authored by Tomáš Kebert. However, the idea of such program originally came from the advisor, Petr Novotný, who once found the publication Floral Diagrams by Ronse De Craene landed on his desk.

The programs PsPad and Inkscape helped in creating the generator. The author learned the PHP language mainly thanks to php.net and Stack Overflow. The generator has been in development for over a year. It exceeds the original expectations in its current form, yet there is always room for improvement.

The author wishes that this generator and corresponding thesis contribute in comprehending and claryfiyng the concepts of floral diagrams and formulae. He hopes that botanists and mainly students stop approaching these concepts as something obscure, outdated or even useless, and instead fully and enthusiastically utilize what they offer.

The thesis called Floral diagrams can be downloaded here (in Czech language).

Relevant questions concerning the program or diagrams/formulae can be sent to tomaskeb@gmail.com.




This web, authored by Tomáš Kebert, is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0).

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I spent many days and nights developing this program. If you find it useful, you can support me by sending something.

Licence Creative Commons

2014–2025 • Tomáš Kebert